Category: Beliefs

Why We Have A Second Amendment

There is a specific reason we have a Second Amendment. it’s not only what you have been taught. The heavy handed treatment we received from the Brits sparked our revolution. They forced our hand by creating an intentional shortage of gunpowder. Almost all American colonists had guns. We were an agrarian society and depended on […]

Much Too Old To Be Hip

Here’s why I’m too old to be hip. I watched the start of the Kelly and Mark Show this morning by mistake after the news. It’s not something I would ordinarily do, but it was the day after Christmas and things were moving slow. They were going on about a new West Coast look called […]


Her in lies the story of the night watchman. Have you ever wondered how things have gotten so out of control everywhere in our government? It’s a poisonous, cancerous process. The military refers to it as ‘mission creep.’ They being the second biggest bureaucracy within government have vast experience with it. Everything starts innocently enough. […]

Truth About Electric Cars

There are many truths about electric cars that the tree huggers are uncomfortable about and keep silent about too. Here is an edited version of an article found in one of my fav newsletters, PJ Media For example, as the experts at point out, here are 10 facts about EVs the Left doesn’t want Americans to […]

truth is not relative

Truth is an absolute. It is not relative. Perhaps that’s why it’s so unpopular. The secular humanists treat everything as relative, it’s almost like a religion with them. I understand even though I disagree. Truth is not relative, period. You cannot bend the truth to fit your conclusion. That’s the new scientific method. Draw a […]