Why We Have A Second Amendment

There is a specific reason we have a Second Amendment. it’s not only what you have been taught. The heavy handed treatment we received from the Brits sparked our revolution. They forced our hand by creating an intentional shortage of gunpowder. Almost all American colonists had guns. We were an agrarian society and depended on […]

Here We Go Again

My Tax Dollars At Work Again Here we go again, friends! The congressional whackos have started this slavery repartitions again. I have a couple of questions that immediately pop into my mind about all this. If this is to be paid out of tax dollars, do black taxpayers pay too? How about me and my […]


Sportsmanship is about both winning as well as losing. Both can be done with grace. There are life lessons to be learned either way. Sometime late in May 2019, I saw that St. Thomas College was winning too much at sports and was to be kicked out of their conference. This is taking place somewhere […]

Much Too Old To Be Hip

Here’s why I’m too old to be hip. I watched the start of the Kelly and Mark Show this morning by mistake after the news. It’s not something I would ordinarily do, but it was the day after Christmas and things were moving slow. They were going on about a new West Coast look called […]