The Christmas Surprise That Keeps On Giving
The Christmas Gift That Keeps On Giving

The Christmas Surprise Gets Better

As Andy becomes more comfortable, his personality is filling out. Last night, for the first time ever he was lying around with Kathy and Toby watching TV and he started kneading. That’s a first for him. He spends time in the dog’s den, under our bed. It has become his lair too. Around a quarter till six, he sits down by my side of the bed on the night table and starts purring loudly until he awakens me. I’m a slow starter, so I continued to lie still hoping he would leave me alone. No such luck. He jumps on the bed at my feet and bops my toes before jumping back down.

Finally, I gave it up and hit the deck, he gave me a Bruuuppp and headed out the door. He stopped, looking back, making sure he had my attention, then pranced into the family room. I yawned and followed him, scratching my, well, never mind. He led me to the back door and got his way. Did I mention that he’s house broken? Yeah, he is. He no longer uses the litter box. I guess he had to go. This wake up thing has become an everyday thing with him. Sometimes he’s way too early. Anytime before five AM, I ignore him. He does leave me be for a while. Sometimes he stops at the cabinet door in the kitchen where the food is stored. He wants an early breakfast.

Last Night Was Another First

Andy woke me at the awful hour of 2:30 AM!! I have previously decided that any time he got me up before 5:30 AM, that I would let him out on the porch, but not outside, hoping a little negative reinforcement would get me more sleep.

Last Night Was Different

We achieved a new first last night. He did his routine of sitting by the food cabinet until I fed him some kibble. As I usually do, I went to the back lanai sliders and opened them. Andy just sat there once he finished his snack. He would not go out!! So, now I’m getting up at Oh dark 30 to give him a late night snack? Not cool. I went back to bed. That’s all he wanted I guess, because he did not bother me until 5:15. This better not become a new habit . . .

We Got A Fraidy Cat

He’s terrified by loud noises. He runs from cars and such. He still exhibits signs of his early childhood (kittenhood?) trauma. When our yard guys pull up and park across the street, Kathy calls him in. Yes he answers to his name like a dog does. If he’s not already on the lanai, he comes running. He runs in and hides under the sofa or the love seat for long after they are gone. Poor little guy! At least he feels safe with us.

We Survived Another Brutal Winter

Well into spring of 2024 now, and it appears we have survived another brutal Florida winter. I was forced to wear my long John shorts for weeks!  Andy is in the house every night. That means I get an earful way too early every morning. He is finally becoming chummier with me. Andy often initiates our sit down on the ottoman in the family room. He likes to get his back scratched like a dog. We bond regularly! Typically he shies away from men, so I feel special.

Andy Has His Own Pet

Andy's new pet, Waldo

Andy has gotten a pet of his own. He cavorts around the trees in the yard with Waldo the squirrel. This is nuts! I have the videos to prove it. We call Andy’s squirrel Waldo. He’s hard to see. The little guy comes into the Lanai seeking his friend, Andy. He spent some time waiting on the lanai for Andy who was late for their play date.


It’s hard for me to believe that anybody would throw away a perfectly good cat like Andy. He has all the makings to become one of the very best we ever had.  I’ll end this saga with my best vid of Andy and Waldo cavorting in the Grandfather Oak in the front.