Life Balance

Bringing Balance To Your Life

Have you been having balance issues? Maybe you lose yours at times. Perhaps you have to hold on to something at other times. Me too! I was dangerously bad a few years ago. Here’s how I fixed that.

Yeah, I do work out almost every day. I do it at home. I’m not a gym rat or fitness freak. It makes me feel and sleep better. I started out with what I could commit to and then made an appointment daily to show up. At my age, (76) if I can’t commit myself for a short period a day, I may as well just roll over and die. That first commitment was 15 minutes a day. That’s it. It doesn’t much matter what all you do. It’s only 15 minutes. What’s important is doing it. Forming the habit is what this start is all about. If you can move at all you can and should do this.

My Balance Was Bad

There was a time, not that long ago when I was diagnosed with systemic Sclerosis.  a rheumatoid condition. I could barely move. I couldn’t lift my hands over my head. My balance was so bad that I would just fall over for no reason.  I was determined to get better. The first thing I worked on was my balance. My balance improved by fits and starts. I had good days and not so good days. Some days the right side worked better than the left, and vice versa.

How Much Do You Need?

To determine how much balance exercises you need, start by answering this question: Can you put on your britches standing up? If you can, move to the advanced class! If not, start here. Only do these three exercises at least once a day without fail.

Number 1; with your arms out straight across your shoulders, not like this cartoon pic, put one foot in front of the other, heel to toe. This is not a speed trial. Easy does it. The goal is to do it. Take three steps forward with each foot, like walking on a tightrope. Now do three steps back. Do this three times, back and forth. When this becomes unchallenging, put your hands at your side and continue on, three sets a day. Work your way up to 5 sets a day, back and forth. That’s it.

Number 2; start putting your pants on standing up. No cheating! No wearing shorts! Make sure you’re near something substantial to catch yourself when you lose it. A chair will do.

Number 3; the hardest beginner one yet! Now put your socks on standing up. Refer to #2 for details. I’m not kidding. These are real and serious. Do them every day. Once you master these, you graduate from the novice class.

A Little More Advanced Stuff

On to the more advanced class: Number 1; Back to the tightrope steps, only now do them with your eyes closed, (yes, BOTH of them!!)

Number 2; Stand on one leg for as many seconds as you can. Then switch legs. The goal is to increase the length of time until you reach 30 seconds. It will take a while.

Number 3; start with #2. This time you swing the up leg to and fro. Do this easy or you will crash! You can also raise and lower that leg instead if you want. Now, do #2 and #3 with your eyes closed. Betcha can’t! I found the cartoons for these from this site.

Here’s A Few More

Here’s a few more; do squats with your eyes closed. Don’t worry about how far down you can go, just do them. Remember, this is for balance. Now, stand on your tippy toes for 3 seconds. Do ten of those. Finally, if you get up from sitting using your hands to give your old ass a boost, cut it out! You must practice getting up with using nothing but your legs. I started practicing with a dining room chair. This is beyond this blog. Read more in my beginner’s calisthenics blog for this and more when you’re ready to take the next step.

I Still Do The Balance Exercises

I still do these. Not all and not every day. I do them to maintain. It’s part of my warm up routine We’re old, I want to be bold! Hitting a lick at the balance exercises every single day will help you maintain. If you don’t, you’ll backslide. It sucks, I know. Get over it. At least you’re still here with your friends and family. Bless you!!