My Tax Dollars At Work Again
Here we go again, friends! The congressional whackos have started this slavery repartitions again. I have a couple of questions that immediately pop into my mind about all this. If this is to be paid out of tax dollars, do black taxpayers pay too? How about me and my family? Our ancestors legally immigrated to America in the 1870’s. Do we pay too? What about the rest of the descendants of the 95% of Americans who never owned slaves or were never involved in the slave trade? Do they pay too?
Why is it that you representatives of the people are wasting time on this solution in search of a problem instead of doing real work? If this is what we pay you for, we’re being cheated. I want compensation for the time you have wasted while on my clock. Roll up your sleeves, get to work, or go home. Enough of this nonsense!
This is not an Isolated Incident
Oh, if it were only that this was an isolated case of government mismanagement instead of typical business as usual for them. It’s easy enough to see why so many of us can’t trust or believe they have our best interests at heart. As more chicanery comes to light so frequently, It adds weight to the famous Ronald Regan quote, “ The nine scariest words in the English language are, I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” It brought a chuckle when I first heard him utter it. Now a groan is not enough.
If this isn’t enough
Let’s go back to reparations for a moment. Pay me reparations for all of my tax dollars that have been wasted on bad deals, theft, and things like five hundred dollar hammers for the Army. Let’s not forget all those zillions of dollars given away to countries that hate us and want to see us die. I want reparations, dammit! What say you??